Saturday, 13 August 2011

Good response.. 7000 viewers for the documentary trailor in a week.. Pass it on to your most suitable friends..


  1. Assalamu alaikkum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh

    Dear KK Productions team,

    I saw your video trailor - Ivide tholkunathu Islam on youtube, shared through facebook.

    I am extremely sorry to say that this video is really misleading and tactfully created to give a false impression to all people out there in the internet.

    I presume you guys follow Jamat-e-islami movement. I follow the salafi principle. I agree personally we are all muslims, but in principles we differ. Do not forget that out of 73 sects which are yet to come only one group will reach heaven as told by our Rasool sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So as per your theory, you can follow all groups, do not project if something is against the authentic sunnah, instead accept the differences for the sake of unity!

    My dear bros, you don't care for your fellow muslim brother? Our Rasool sallallahu alayhi wa sallam taught us to change by hand, by tongue and by heart if you see a wrong action being done by somebody else, because he cared for the fellow human being and wanted justice and truth to prevail in this world so that he can attain utmost success in the hereafter. Or is it better to keep quiet and accept falsehood for the sake of unity?? If you see your child doing a wrong action won't you correct him? When Rasoolullah's son ate a piece of date out of the ones which were kept for charity did'nt he correct him immediately by pulling out from his mouth? He should have compromised saying let it be, he is a kid so what's wrong in that piece of date! Thats the way he has established Islamic teachings. If he would have compromised Islam for the sake of unity among people, there would'nt have been a complete Islam in this world.

    Mujahids/Salafis did all these campaigns to save the ummah from shirk and bidát and to establish the correct teaching of Rasoolullah sallahu alayhi wa sallam. Allah will never compromise on shirk but He may compromise on other sins if He wills. Even in your documentary you have used musical instruments which is again against the teaching of Rasool sallahu alayhi wa sallam. Please do not promote such misleading documentaries, instead promote truth from falsehood. If you see some wrong teachings from Mujahid/Sunni/Tableegi or whatever inform people about the truth from authentic sunnah and PLEASE DO NOT COMPROMISE ISLAM AND ITS TEACHINGS FOR THE SAKE OF UNITY.

    Our Rasool sallahu alayhi wa sallam taught only one Islam and not 40+ ways of Islam as
    commented towards the end of your documentary. I invite you and others to come to that One Islam as preached by Rasool sallahu alayhi wa sallam by going back to the authentic sources.
    Before I conclude, there were prayers in Masjid al Haram happening in Shafi/Hanafi/Maliki/Hanbali ways at one point of time. History will tell you who has brought all the divided 4 under one umbrella.

    Lastly I request you to delete this from youtube and please stop this misleading documentary.

    May Allah bring us towards the saved sect. Ameen

  2. Walaikumussalam wa rahmathullahu wa barakathuhu

    Dear Brother,

    Requesting u to view the trailor carefully and evaluate neutrally.. The full version is yet to release. It will reveal more..

    It is primarily aimed at addressing the following:

    1) The immature way of doing 'Islah' of ummah by the so called leaders/speakers..

    2) The violation / breach of unity agreements made in the past by these 'leaders' & organisations.

    3) The growing 'organisational fanaticism' within these groups which is extremely dangerous for the ummah.

    I wud like to know from u brother, wat are your concerns on these important issues raised by the documentary?

    I would humbly and with love, request you to come out of the narrow understanding of Islam. Islam is highly inlusive & colourful brother.. Please dont mistake me of accommodating shirk and one against debating within ummah! Its all about how we do it..

    Best wishes..



  3. 'ഇവിടെ തോല്കുകയാണ് ഇസ്ലാം 'എന്ന താങ്കളുടെ ഡോകുമെന്ററി കണ്ടു. നന്നായിരിക്കുന്നു. മുസ്ലിമീങ്ങളുടെ സ്വകാര്യ ഇടങ്ങളില്‍ എന്നതിനപ്പുറം പൊതുയിടങ്ങളില്‍ ഒരുകാരണവശാലും ഈ സി ഡി പ്രചരിക്കരുത്. ആയതിനാല്‍ ആദ്യം തന്നെ യൗടുബില്‍ നിന്നും ഇത് പിന്‍ വലിക്കുവാന്‍ ഞാന്‍ അഭ്യര്ധിക്കുകയാണ്.
